Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?

11 Aug 2010 22:39 - 12 Aug 2010 00:43 #390276 by seanof30306
Replied by seanof30306 on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
steell wrote:

seanof30306, if I'm the one you claim to have run off the board for a year, you are seriously mistaken. I left for reasons that are so far over your head you are incapable of grasping the fact they exist. You're a toe biter with dreams of being an ankle biter, not hardly someone I'd pay any attention to.

3 years to fix a simple charging system, and all you've accomplished is to piss off all the experts, and it's all their fault, right?

I'm not in the mental health field, but I'm pretty sure there's a name for that disorder.

I'd be willing to bet that mechanics #1 and #2 are thanking whatever gods they believe in that you found mechanic #3, and mechanic #3 probably dreams of dumping gasoline on your bike and burning it to the ground, just so he'll never have to deal with you again.

I hope you found the above information helpful :P

This whole thread is just freakin hilarious!!!

Sigh ... some things never change.

Just as you did two years ago, you are attacking and name-calling before you read, or comprehend, what was written.

No, I did not claim to have "run you off the board for a year".

What I "claimed" was:

1. I recall only having conflict with one member on this board before this thread. While I did not give out a name, yes, you are correct, that member was you. Interesting, how you recognized yourself there, isn't it?

2. That I did not start that fight. In the linked thread, You chime in and act like a jerk on page 1, and it goes downhill from there. Anyone who cares to can read the thread and make their own judgement:

3. That you'd had conflict with so many other members you'd left the board for over a year. I didn't say I ran you off. I didn't say anyone had run you off. I didn't say I had anything at all to do with your leaving these forums for over a year.

harm wrote:

I miss Steell's contributions to this site.:(

hardr0ck68 wrote:

I also miss Steell, he rubbed some of the liter bike guys the wrong way... but he knew his stuff. The asshats that gave him a hard time made this board that much less useful to the 650/750 riders.

rstnick wrote:

You can find Steell here:

seanof30306 wrote:

Why is he no longer active here?

From PM in response to that last post of mine:

"Steve got mad and left KZR. He's been fighting a lot lately, and the mods told him to back off, so he picked up his toys and left. Smart guy, but not very good with people."

Anyone who is interested can do a search to see some of the other conflicts you've been in.

3. That I was right. Going back to this thread: ,

I said after 4 RRs and 3 stators, it was clear there was an underlying problem. You insisted that was not necessarily so, as they were used parts, and the only way to eliminate the stator and/or RRs as causal was to put brand new ones on the bike. I did. It ate them. I was right, you were wrong.

So, what we've established here is that everything I said was both non-confrontational, and correct, and your attack on me was unwarranted.

I'm sure that's not going to stop you from launching into another insult-filled, name-calling, innaccurate, rage filled tirade ... but I tried.

You're like Roseanne Rosannadanna going through roid rage .... during menopause .... while doing meth.

Have a nice day.

"That @#$%!!! KZ650"
79 KZ650 B3
Dual front disc brakes
Z1R 18" front wheel
Pumper carbs w/pods
MAC 4-1 w/ drilled-out baffle
Dyna S ignition w/ Dyna Green coils
WG coil mod
'81 CSR charging system
17/41 gearing
Last edit: 12 Aug 2010 00:43 by seanof30306.

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11 Aug 2010 22:40 #390277 by seanof30306
Replied by seanof30306 on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
PLUMMEN wrote:

seanof30306 wrote:

PLUMMEN wrote:

have you checked with sid pogue in oklahoma city?he used to crank out tons of work on the 900-1000s,i wonder if he knows of somebody in your area that could handle it for you?

I have not, thanks for the tip. Do you know how I can get ahold of him?

try pogue machine in oklahoma city,havent talked to him in about 5 years

Thanks, I'll see if I can track him down.

"That @#$%!!! KZ650"
79 KZ650 B3
Dual front disc brakes
Z1R 18" front wheel
Pumper carbs w/pods
MAC 4-1 w/ drilled-out baffle
Dyna S ignition w/ Dyna Green coils
WG coil mod
'81 CSR charging system
17/41 gearing

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11 Aug 2010 22:42 #390278 by seanof30306
Replied by seanof30306 on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
PLUMMEN wrote:

this may be a stupid question but here it goes anyway,have you tried a differant meter to make sure you get same readings?

Yes, numerous ones, both digital and analog. I wish it was something so simple, but I'm confident it's not.

Thanks for the suggestion.

"That @#$%!!! KZ650"
79 KZ650 B3
Dual front disc brakes
Z1R 18" front wheel
Pumper carbs w/pods
MAC 4-1 w/ drilled-out baffle
Dyna S ignition w/ Dyna Green coils
WG coil mod
'81 CSR charging system
17/41 gearing

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12 Aug 2010 05:23 - 12 Aug 2010 05:25 #390302 by Old Man Rock
Replied by Old Man Rock on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
Holly crapola, you could of had this problem fixed by the time of all this back and forth bantering has been typed out.... :S Oh well, we are an opinionated bunch now aren't we....

Plum hit a good note here....

Examples... OEM manuals, mostly using analog gauges... You're not going to see 1/10th of a volt where as digital DVM's you will...

Then there's also True RMS meters, especially in measuring Vac you WILL see different measurements compared to non RMS meters...

Then throw into the fact of when these manuals where written, they had brand new KZ's to measure off of...

All in all, you get within range +/-3Vac you'd be good. Vdc, different story where +/-1Vdc is 12% of the total voltage....

Well seems you have it figured out... Accomplish ALL electrical testing/measurements to specifications and record your measurements for future reference...

1976 KZ900-A4
MTC 1075cc.
Camshafts: Kawi GPZ-1100 .375 lift
Head: P&P via Larry Cavanaugh
ZX636 suspension
MIKUNI, RS-34'S...
Kerker 4-1, 1.5" comp baffle.
Dyna-S E.I.
Earls 10 row Oil Cooler
Acewell 2802 Series Speedo/Tach
Innovate LC1 Wideband 02 AFR meter

Phoenix, Az
Last edit: 12 Aug 2010 05:25 by Old Man Rock.

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12 Aug 2010 10:44 #390341 by loudhvx
Replied by loudhvx on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
If by "more", you mean "less" then you are correct.

The Cl*mer (which is the same one you have downloaded) says my bike will have 75VAC on the stator. But it actually only has 56VAC at 4000.

So the bike puts out way less than the Cl*mer specifies, but the bike charges just fine even with dual headlights.

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12 Aug 2010 10:55 #390346 by loudhvx
Replied by loudhvx on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
You blew your top and said why did others tell you to get a manual when it was discovered there may be error in the manual.

So I said to sell them since you felt they were a waste.

I would never actually recommend getting rid of a manual. As I said, I've learned much from them.

If you stopped taking my quotes out of context, (cheap political trick that everyone is aware of), I could stop posting here. But as long as you insist I keep posting, I gladly will.

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12 Aug 2010 11:58 - 12 Aug 2010 13:54 #390355 by seanof30306
Replied by seanof30306 on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
loudhvx wrote:

If by "more", you mean "less" then you are correct.

The Cl*mer (which is the same one you have downloaded) says my bike will have 75VAC on the stator. But it actually only has 56VAC at 4000.

So the bike puts out way less than the Cl*mer specifies, but the bike charges just fine even with dual headlights.

A technicality to keep from admitting you were wrong.

All along you've insisted that the three-phase system should be putting out less than the single phase.

The KZ550 FSM says your 3-phase should be putting out 50 VAC.

Over and over you have shrilly insisted that "Clymer has it backwards! Clymer has it backwards" Because the Clymer manual says the two wire should be putting out 50 and the three wire should be putting out 75, when the correct specification was two wire; 75, three wire 50.

I agree, Clymer has it backwards. So, when that is corrected, we see the three wire KZ550 stator should be putting out 50 VAC, and yours is putting out 56 VAC, when all along you have been insisting it's not important that the stator put out what the manual(s) call for, and held up your bikes' stator output as example of that, as proof that a bike with a stator making less than what the manual calls for can still charge properly.

Are you really so childish that you will now try to say you haven't been insisting stators don't need to put out to spec? That the open load tests are BS? That I am somehow taking you out of context? Really? Do you want me to go back and cut and past where you said my single phase stator not charging to spec was sufficient, too?

And now you do the "I'm gonna cross my arms, stamp my feet, and have the last word thing?


Dude, take your immaturity and grief, and drama and just go away.

Do you really think stubborness and denial can undo what you have said? It's all there for anyone to see.

You don't like me.

You don't want to help me.

You're only coming back here because you've trapped yourself, and don't see how you can quit without appearing to admit you were wrong, and your ego won't let you do that.




"That @#$%!!! KZ650"
79 KZ650 B3
Dual front disc brakes
Z1R 18" front wheel
Pumper carbs w/pods
MAC 4-1 w/ drilled-out baffle
Dyna S ignition w/ Dyna Green coils
WG coil mod
'81 CSR charging system
17/41 gearing
Last edit: 12 Aug 2010 13:54 by seanof30306.

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12 Aug 2010 17:02 #390429 by dutchz
Replied by dutchz on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
Uhm Sean? Lou is a pretty laid back and humble guy, but there are few people on this board that know more about our bikes electrical systems. It seems like you are frustrated with the results so far - fair enough - but I would think twice before taking it out on the very people that are trying to help you - whether they are right or not. The only one creating drama is you.

1974 Kawasaki Z1
Stock front hub and rear axle.

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12 Aug 2010 19:54 #390499 by seanof30306
Replied by seanof30306 on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
dutchz wrote:

Uhm Sean? Lou is a pretty laid back and humble guy, but there are few people on this board that know more about our bikes electrical systems. It seems like you are frustrated with the results so far - fair enough - but I would think twice before taking it out on the very people that are trying to help you - whether they are right or not. The only one creating drama is you.

Uhm Dutchz? You are, of course, welcome to your own opinion, but if you're now going to pile on to defend your buddy, I'm ready for that, too.

I have a bike to fix, and I don't need all of this hysterical, middle school, squealing little girl drama getting in the way of it.

I haven't been insulting anyone

I haven't been calling anyone names

I haven't had anything personal to say about anyone, and if you don't see that, you've either jumped in to defend your pal without reading this thread, or you've chosen to ignore it. Either way, when you accuse me of creating drama, you are full of crap.

What I have done is take control of a situation where I have been run in every direction possible for ovr three years and adopted a systematic, step-by-step approach which, so far, appears to be yielding results.

If you have something positive to contribute to that, please do, but since your contribution so far has been to jump in out of nowhere to add to the drama, I'll simply wish you well and allow you to go back to getting your braces adjusted or mooning over your Jonas Brothers' tweets or whatever other prepubescent tween-like behavior you indulge in.

Take your childish drama and go away.

"That @#$%!!! KZ650"
79 KZ650 B3
Dual front disc brakes
Z1R 18" front wheel
Pumper carbs w/pods
MAC 4-1 w/ drilled-out baffle
Dyna S ignition w/ Dyna Green coils
WG coil mod
'81 CSR charging system
17/41 gearing

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12 Aug 2010 22:53 #390524 by dutchz
Replied by dutchz on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
If your stators were as tightly wound as you you'd be on the road by now. Good luck man.

1974 Kawasaki Z1
Stock front hub and rear axle.

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13 Aug 2010 01:42 #390536 by pusher
Replied by pusher on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
Uhm I'm not going to read through 8 pages of girls pulling at each others hair, kicking and scream who's right, but here's a thought to the topic of the original post; Why don't you re-wrap the stator yourself? I read up on it and then did it for my dirt bike. I got more volts from that than I did from the old spare I compared it to. It looked... shall we say "special", but then again, so is the dialogue contained in this topic.
At least one of these got the job done.

As far as the hissy fits I skimmed through, for my own entertainments sake of course - "He who is speaking is not hearing." - Pusher, 2010

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13 Aug 2010 05:01 #390556 by seanof30306
Replied by seanof30306 on topic Best Place To Have Stator Rewound?
Gee, how interesting that loudvhx's pals start piling on now.

what a coincidence!

3 weeks of this thread .... never saw 'em.

3 years of threads on this bike ... never saw 'em.

Back lou into a corner ... all the sudden, here they are, complete with snarky comments.

Those PMs are flying, aren't they?

What a joke.

Trying to fix a bike boys,

take your drama elsewhere.

"That @#$%!!! KZ650"
79 KZ650 B3
Dual front disc brakes
Z1R 18" front wheel
Pumper carbs w/pods
MAC 4-1 w/ drilled-out baffle
Dyna S ignition w/ Dyna Green coils
WG coil mod
'81 CSR charging system
17/41 gearing

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