yet another idea for my paint
- r1ng3l78
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yet another idea for my paint
07 Jun 2006 15:31
k, so i did the fake army job and i'm workin on the kawasaki fighter plane green in my head still (can't figure a way to make the rising sun look good). well last night i say a music video and one of the guitars the guy had was white with red dripping down it. but not like someone spilled paint on it, it had this 80's slasher film look to it. so i thought it would look mean on a bike and i'm a horror buff, so it works out. i told you all that to ask if anyone has some ideas as to how to get that blood splatter effect without it looking too "oops i spilled some"?
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- r1ng3l78
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
07 Jun 2006 15:42
found a pic of the guitar in question and up close, it does look a little spilled on so i'm thinkin soak a rag or sponge and squish it in the tank till it runs?
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
07 Jun 2006 16:32
Are you looking for a "crime scene"? Like you seee in the movies and TV of the walls after a horrible murder. If so I have something that might work. I was watching a true crime show and they were trying to recreate the blood splatter on a wall where a guy had his head bashed in by a baseball bat. They ended up soaking a small piece of sponge in fake blood and hitting it with a bat. It splattered just like the crime scene. Might be able to something like that with paint. A crime scene bike could be cool. Incorprate the crime scene tape, chalk outlines, handcuffs, guns, knives and so on.
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
07 Jun 2006 19:25
hey, i've already got 30mm rifle rounds for bolt caps on the fenderB) i considered puttin a sponge on the end of a stick and smackin the tank but i think your talkin bout the intro to CSI which if i could pull it off it'd be cool. instead of crimescene, i'm thinkin more sleepaway camp, friday the 13th, or dawn of the dead (the original). i'm beginning to think there's no way it wouldn't turn out cheesy lookin but i've got a junk tank on my basketcase i may try some ideas on.
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
09 Jun 2006 08:13
Oh you could use all kinds of cool stuff to bring the vision out. Real stuff like an axe head as a shifter or brake pedal, hockey mask on the headlight, the seat covered in the Freddie Cruger sweater colors, the uses are endless.
Harley Davidson- Turning gas into noise without the harmful affects of horsepower for over 100 years.
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
09 Jun 2006 08:33
r1ng3l78 wrote:
Actually, there is a way to do that and have it come out looking like you planned it that way...
[addendum]: I'd recommend experimenting with this technique on a junk item first to get the hang of making precisely-located splatters look like Charley Manson originals. Also, use *only* a high-coverage base-red/whatever paint...
First, paint your overall base color and let it set. Shoot it thick enough to have enough to give it a wet sand with #600 paper.
Take the sanded primary and set it in a position where the runs will align in the desired direction - blocked up on rag-covered 2x4s should do.
*Barely* reduce your "spatter" color. Instead of the usual 50-50/60-40 mix, keep the reducer down to about %10-15 depending on the effect you want. Use low-temp reducer to giver yourself a longer tack margin.
Take an eyedropper and pool a bit of the splatter color on the tank. Pick up the tank and gently roll it off-axis so that the splatter-pool expands, then reaches the side and begins to run. You don't want much of the splatter color there - you want the run to stop 1/4 to 3/4 way down the side, and that's done by tightly controlling the amount of paint in the run.
Set the tank back on the blocks.
For smaller "top" splatters, up the reducer to %25 or so, take the eyedropper and hold it 8" to 12" over the tank and let it go. Splat.
When satisfied, let the paint set several days.
With *used* #600 on the edge of a rubber block, wet sand the splatters *extrememly* lightly. What you're looking to do here is to lower the "height" of the run - and especially any raised "pool" where the run ends without disturbing the rounded edge.
Give'r a shot of clear to seal the job, and there you have it...
Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/09 11:45
found a pic of the guitar in question and up close, it does look a little spilled on so i'm thinkin soak a rag or sponge and squish it in the tank till it runs?
Actually, there is a way to do that and have it come out looking like you planned it that way...
[addendum]: I'd recommend experimenting with this technique on a junk item first to get the hang of making precisely-located splatters look like Charley Manson originals. Also, use *only* a high-coverage base-red/whatever paint...
First, paint your overall base color and let it set. Shoot it thick enough to have enough to give it a wet sand with #600 paper.
Take the sanded primary and set it in a position where the runs will align in the desired direction - blocked up on rag-covered 2x4s should do.
*Barely* reduce your "spatter" color. Instead of the usual 50-50/60-40 mix, keep the reducer down to about %10-15 depending on the effect you want. Use low-temp reducer to giver yourself a longer tack margin.
Take an eyedropper and pool a bit of the splatter color on the tank. Pick up the tank and gently roll it off-axis so that the splatter-pool expands, then reaches the side and begins to run. You don't want much of the splatter color there - you want the run to stop 1/4 to 3/4 way down the side, and that's done by tightly controlling the amount of paint in the run.
Set the tank back on the blocks.
For smaller "top" splatters, up the reducer to %25 or so, take the eyedropper and hold it 8" to 12" over the tank and let it go. Splat.
When satisfied, let the paint set several days.
With *used* #600 on the edge of a rubber block, wet sand the splatters *extrememly* lightly. What you're looking to do here is to lower the "height" of the run - and especially any raised "pool" where the run ends without disturbing the rounded edge.
Give'r a shot of clear to seal the job, and there you have it...

Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/09 11:45
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- r1ng3l78
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
10 Jun 2006 00:39
kawtoy wrote:
i think i just got flamed:ohmy:
wow pterosaur, you sound like you've done this before. i'm still concerned that it would never look right on a b style tank. might work on a d tank though. so now it's opinion time. do you think that it has the potential to look good enough to be worth the effort or would you go with something a bit more traditional? operators are standing byB)
Oh you could use all kinds of cool stuff to bring the vision out. Real stuff like an axe head as a shifter or brake pedal, hockey mask on the headlight, the seat covered in the Freddie Cruger sweater colors, the uses are endless.
i think i just got flamed:ohmy:
wow pterosaur, you sound like you've done this before. i'm still concerned that it would never look right on a b style tank. might work on a d tank though. so now it's opinion time. do you think that it has the potential to look good enough to be worth the effort or would you go with something a bit more traditional? operators are standing byB)
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
10 Jun 2006 03:37
r1ng3l78 wrote:
Hmmmm. Does sound sushpishushly like that, doesn't it? :whistle:
Oh, I've done a paint job or three in my time...
Ah, there's the $64 question.
It's possible to do damned near *anything* in paint, the operative issue being "does it *work* "? - does the eye of the beholder intuitively see what you're getting at, and does it make sense - does the job "fit" the concept...
What you're looking at here is a "concept" job. And that's simple enough in this case - you're looking at a gruesome crime scene.
So is the paint job an *intuitive* crime scene or a practical one - does it effectively convey the concept, or does it look like $hit?
IMO, to pull one like this off intuitively, it'd have to be an overall job - tank, frame, sides and ducktail - because it has to follow the concept - having a base green tank splattered red with green sides and tail with a black frame just don't work - the tank by itself would look out of place.
[addendum] After looking at some photos, closing my eyes and thinking it over, you could get away with a black frame with white/cream pearl / red candy tanks, sides and duck - it wouldn't be quite as catchy, but it eould pass the "eye" test...[]
A better pallette would be overall base pearl white or cream with blood red candy spatters starting at the head of the tank , drips down the frame tubes and a "windblown" effect running the "blood" back over the tank and sides, pooling at the ducktail.
It'd require a bit of airbrush work to add definition to the windblown and pooling effect, but not much.
Now you're talking a *real* concept job. It wouldn't be all that hard to pull off, but you've quintipled the work.
Have your eyes rolled to the back of your head yet?
:blink: :S :woohoo:
Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/10 06:43
Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/10 07:42
i think i just got flamed:ohmy:
Hmmmm. Does sound sushpishushly like that, doesn't it? :whistle:
wow pterosaur, you sound like you've done this before.
Oh, I've done a paint job or three in my time...

i'm still concerned that it would never look right on a b style tank. might work on a d tank though. so now it's opinion time. do you think that it has the potential to look good enough to be worth the effort or would you go with something a bit more traditional? operators are standing byB)
Ah, there's the $64 question.
It's possible to do damned near *anything* in paint, the operative issue being "does it *work* "? - does the eye of the beholder intuitively see what you're getting at, and does it make sense - does the job "fit" the concept...
What you're looking at here is a "concept" job. And that's simple enough in this case - you're looking at a gruesome crime scene.
So is the paint job an *intuitive* crime scene or a practical one - does it effectively convey the concept, or does it look like $hit?
IMO, to pull one like this off intuitively, it'd have to be an overall job - tank, frame, sides and ducktail - because it has to follow the concept - having a base green tank splattered red with green sides and tail with a black frame just don't work - the tank by itself would look out of place.
[addendum] After looking at some photos, closing my eyes and thinking it over, you could get away with a black frame with white/cream pearl / red candy tanks, sides and duck - it wouldn't be quite as catchy, but it eould pass the "eye" test...[]
A better pallette would be overall base pearl white or cream with blood red candy spatters starting at the head of the tank , drips down the frame tubes and a "windblown" effect running the "blood" back over the tank and sides, pooling at the ducktail.
It'd require a bit of airbrush work to add definition to the windblown and pooling effect, but not much.
Now you're talking a *real* concept job. It wouldn't be all that hard to pull off, but you've quintipled the work.
Have your eyes rolled to the back of your head yet?

Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/10 06:43
Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/10 07:42
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Re: yet another idea for my paint
10 Jun 2006 03:37
r1ng3l78 wrote:
Sample pattern for top of tank....
The way to visualize it is as a wrap-around, the front of the tank being at the top. The runs being horizontal to the ground give it that "windblown" effect.
The same pattern could be used for the sides and the duck.
Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/10 07:03
Sample pattern for top of tank....
The way to visualize it is as a wrap-around, the front of the tank being at the top. The runs being horizontal to the ground give it that "windblown" effect.
The same pattern could be used for the sides and the duck.
Post edited by: Pterosaur, at: 2006/06/10 07:03
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