Jetting and exhaust help!!!
- kzvader
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Jetting and exhaust help!!!
23 Apr 2007 22:11
So here is my quandary... I have a '82 750 twin, and the stock mufflers were pretty much rotted out when i bought the bike. I ordered a cheeseball 2-1 header pipe and megaphone muffler, and installed, making sure to get everything sealed nicely, and all that good stuff, and was cruising about 80 on the freeway when the brand new muffler decided to rattle the baffles loose before I cound even get to the next exit. So the baffles flew out and got ran over. The bike ran great with essentially straight pipes, with or without the megaphone shell...but was extremely noisy, and therefore not legal. So I found a stock muffler to throw on there, and now the bike wont stay running for in the jetting has to be wrong for the muffler. I am curious as to why it would run like a champ with both the stock pipes and the aftermarket muffler, as well as with straight pipes, but wont run with a similar muffler from the factory. Could the previous owner have jetted the carbs to keep it running with the rotted out factory muffler? Please help if you have any info on this...
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- wiredgeorge
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Re: Jetting and exhaust help!!!
24 Apr 2007 10:08
OK... solve the mystery as your info is confusing... like you said, perhaps it has been rejetted? To find out, open the carbs and check the main and secondary main jets for size. I don't recall if the jet needles have clip positions but if they do, check that as well. I doubt the slow (pilot) jet has been changed as alternative pilot jets aren't available near as I know.
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