There must be some trick to searching this topic in the filebase.
I didn't get a single hit.
I'll bet there are a lot of free spirits out there who could benefit from this write up, as the whole electrical thing seems to intimidate many.
Uncertainty about your battery, the clamps and any connectors/connections can be eliminated as a possible problem, by following just a few simple rules that can easily be spelled out.
Would one of you electrical gurus like to tackle this please. Like someone who actually knows what they are doing, and how to word it, or should I?
Moderators, you must know what you are doing on this. Can you import a good article from some place on the www?
Duck, I don't know you, but I have been on the forum long enough to read some of your posts and I vote for you to do a write up.
Am I allowed to do that?
Post edited by: JimatMilkyWay, at: 2007/02/16 17:41