OK, I know I let this bike set wwwaaayyyy too long. In the 16 years that I let it set, it went from something that people still made stuff for, to being a freaking antique!! No, don't get me wrong, I'm just irritated that if it's not a V-Twin, or watercooled with a redline over 14k, nobody makes/stocks stuff for it.
OK, the rant's over.
I'm looking for case guards for my '81 GPz1100. If I remember correctly, 16 years ago people listed the same case guard for this bike as they did for the other j-model 1100's. So, as I'm scrounging E-Bay and other places, what other bikes will cross-reference in regard the case guards? Will all 1000P's crossreference? Isn't that also a J engine?
\'81 GPz 1100 project
Elkhart, Kansas USA
\"Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him.\" Groucho Marx