z1 monoshock conversions

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z1 monoshock conversions

22 Sep 2012 23:34
Hi guys. Still workin on my z1 monoshock conversion. For those of you who have gone through all the trouble, I mean fun, of bracing your frames and converting to monoshock swingarms and new front forks, are you happy with the results? How your bikes handle/ride is what i'm really interested in. Anything you wish you'd done, hindsight being 20/20 and all? Just looking for a little inspiration/information right about now. Thanks in advance!

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Re: z1 monoshock conversions

23 Sep 2012 00:12
Heres a couple shots of some of todays work getting a frame straight enough to begin bracing it up,not for the faint of heart! :woohoo:

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It depends on just how ambitious you are and how bad you really want to get things straight before you start bracing,Ill finish welding in the oversized 1 1/2" back bone tube monday to get everything tied together then Ill start the actual frame brace installation so I can work the bugs out of the kits on an actual frame before sending the others out.
Thats a piece of stock backbone held up next to the new one. B)
posting from deep under a non-descript barn in an undisclosed location southwest of Omaha.


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Re: z1 monoshock conversions

24 Sep 2012 00:34
Just having done the mono conversion so far I will say I love it the bike should've been designed that way originally

What I wished I would have done differently? I wished I would've had Les build me his bolt on version
but other than that wiremans frame brace would be cool also

my problem was over xellousness of cutting things off that could've been trimmed (the brake Boss)
which neccessitaded a rearset fabrication that was not fully thought out.

Taking a more methodical approach to the front end swap.
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Re: z1 monoshock conversions

24 Sep 2012 00:50
Biggest point on any kind of chassis work I point out is to get everything as straight as possable before starting to add anything,the more stuff you add the harder it is to fix after the fact. B)
And another thing I try to impress upon my helper when it comes to plumbing is to think like a service/repair guy,make sure everything is easily accessable when its done.
The nicest brackets and bracing and welding in the world is worthless when your broke down someplace and you cant get access to bolt to fix something or having to yank the motor out to adjust your valves or change spark plugs just sucks! :sick: :laugh:
posting from deep under a non-descript barn in an undisclosed location southwest of Omaha.

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