Z1R tank emblem screws seized and snapped off...

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Z1R tank emblem screws seized and snapped off...

23 Oct 2011 05:22 - 23 Oct 2011 05:38
One side of my recently painted Z1R tank (done to perfect original starlight blue code) has both emblem screws seized and heads snapped off flush. The other side is A-OK.

It was a tank that endured a year or two outdoors and it was like that when I bought it.

The painter never made any attempt to remove them and I would like to unseat them as I have new emblems and screws.

Any ideas? I fear using deep penetrating oil may damage the finish.

Can something that small be drilled and tapped?

In a perfect world I would somehow be able to remove them and retain the threaded holes.


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Last edit: 23 Oct 2011 05:38 by 300kph.

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Re: Z1R tank emblem screws seized and snapped off...

23 Oct 2011 07:50
They are very small indeed....probably to small to use a what we call "an easy out ".

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Re: Z1R tank emblem screws seized and snapped off...

23 Oct 2011 10:00
boy they make some tiny drill bits and easy outs...i bet a drop of oil...a tiny center punch ,one square tap....and some easy drilling with a fine metal drill bit...the screw will rotate on the drill bit.....and reverse the drill...they come out...or...they do make tiny easy outs and if lightly turned by hand in the tiny drill bit hole...will walk that emblem screw right back out....worked for me...
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Re: -

23 Oct 2011 10:25 - 18 Feb 2013 17:50
Last edit: 18 Feb 2013 17:50 by martin_csr.

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Re: Z1R tank emblem screws seized and snapped off...

23 Oct 2011 11:48
if you can get on em with some small vice grips (the small ones they sell in the barrels at lowes)clamp on twist out. done several that way. Almost every set has been messed up when I got em have had to use a flat screw driver and a hammer to unscrew also. NO OIL ON NEW PAINT no silicone no wax no soap. havent had to drill any out drill bits with boken screws spinning in a drill on my new paint makes me nervous just typing it
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Re: Z1R tank emblem screws seized and snapped off...

23 Oct 2011 17:18
A couple tips if you elect to drill...An "automtic" (spring loaded) center punch allows for indenting (to be drilled ) bit, & allows for correcting to exact center w/ repeated application. when drilling, start small (say 1/2 dia of piece). use l/h drill bits & either 'shorten" drill bit, or "sleeve" it so that if you should happen to drill thru you can't penetrate tank. If l/h bit walks broken bit out, you win ...If not increase bit dia, til you can break out remainder. (said punch is great for this,working from outside dia around circumference.) Bear in mind, the "Ears" your' working with are only a couple threads deep, be gentle, If worried about slipping, tape some kind of "protecter" around working area. Luck G
[img][/img] 1977 KZ1000A1

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