did we not agree a while ago that bikes pics are great for all kzr veiwing folks...my searches are not gonna find the same as the next guys and folks all benefit from a quick "save to pictures"...as far as the meaningless little letters next to the picture...in my case it is just a few random keys tapped without purpose other than to get the pic to post...if i don't tap say,mmmkm, then it tells me i forgot to include a message and it is a pita....
i am the last to say how folks should behave but should we not focus on our love of most all things bike related...and no one is gonna complain about too many bike pics...really...really....??????
it is like my endless e-bay c-list posts...i know folks in canada are not gonna drive to L.A for a 600.00 gpz 1100...but it's cool to share what deals pop up in my area imo....
this aint no ducati club is it????
cause if it is i'll have a carmel macciatto.....and a low carb bran muffin to go....