Hello, My brother had this bike sitting around and wasn't doing anything with it so I took it off his hands and decided I would try to make it my own. It was completely stock when I got it.. and is a long way from being done but I'll try to keep this updated, opinions, ideas, suggestions all welcome this is the first time I've ever done anything like this.
I think I am going to go for sort of a ratrod/cafe look.. I'm just kind of deciding things as I go.
here are some photos of the progress so far.
Tail section with a lot of the junk removed
tail section in the process of shortening
another angle
and again
trying to visualize a seat
made a seat pan, and decided to use some metal mesh stuff I had lying around to fill in the back section... mostly just for looks :silly:
alt view
and again
and again
So I am unsure what to do with the seat, I am either going to glue some neoprene foam directly to it and call it good, or maybe cut a board and have it upholstered and attach it somehow. the seat will be removable as I am going to retain the stock battery box, because that seems like the easy thing to do.
also I intend to do a single carb conversion.. any thoughts/ideas/opinions on this matter are welcome.
thanks for looking I'll try to update often.